Minutes of Regular Board Meeting

September 28, 2005


Location:           Albatross Motel, Gander




Mr. Bill Sceviour (Chair)                                                Mr. Randell Mercer, Director

Mr. Clar Brown                                                                        Ms. Claudine Wells (Recorder)

Mr. Randy Edison                                                         Ms. Bonnie Lane McCarthy

Mr. Terry Brown                                                          Mr. Charlie McCormack

Mr. Scott Pritchett                                                         Mr. Shawn Brace

Ms. Linda Cutler

Ms. Lisa Wheeler




Mr. Gerald Hounsell                                                      Ms. Marina Hewlett


1.         Approval of Agenda


Motion:            to approve the agenda as circulated.  (Pritchett/Wheeler).  Carried.


2.         Minutes of Meetings


            2.1        Regular Meeting July 5, 2005


Motion:            to accept the minutes of the July 5, 2005 as circulated. (C. Brown/Edison).Carried


3.         Business Arising:


            3.1        Update on 5-year Restructuring Plan


Copy of letter from the Director to Deputy Minister of Education, Mr. Bruce Hollett, dated September 8, 2005, was presented.  This letter provided information on district’s reorganization change to schools.


Mr. Mercer gave an update on the restructuring work that has been completed to date.  He stated that everything has gone smoothly and we have had no complaints from public thus far.


The Deputy Minister of Corporate Services has indicated that capital works costing and scope of design for the projects identified in the district restructuring plan will be completed by January 1, 2006.


An inquiry was made by Mr. Terry Brown as to the status of the churches approval/permission in Grand Falls/Windsor with regards to continued use agreements and approvals for school properties where church ownership is a factor.  It was reported that such approvals are well in hand.


Mr. C. Brown queried as to the usage for Baie Verte Middle School this current year.  Mr. Mercer stated that the Department would do an operational assessment of school properties in Baie Verte as part of the larger project review that is currently underway.  It was noted that property should not become an ‘eyesore’ or a target of vandalism.  Disposal of property should be considered.


Photos of the Carmanville and Eastport schools (new structures) were presented for viewing.


Mr. Mercer noted that district school enrollments this current year have decreased by approximately 100 students beyond the decline that was used for planning purposes.


3.2        Update NLSBA


·         Bill Sceviour gave an overview of NLSBA staff changes.

·         It was noted that there was a shortfall in monies last summer because of board restructuring.

·         Gerry Curnew (Labour Relations Officer) will be retiring soon.

·         A new position description in the area of labor relations is now to be processed and the position will be housed with NLSBA and fully paid for by the Department of Education.

·         The CEO of NLSBA is on contract.  The secretary is currently the only full time employee.


3.3        Code of Ethics (Tabled March 17, 2005)


Motion:            to accept the ‘Code of ethics’ policy for Nova Central School District.  (Edison/T. Brown).  Carried.


4.         Committee Reports/Updates


            4.1        Executive Committee


The Chair reported to the Board on Executive Meetings held on July 25, 26 and September 15, 2005.  A discussion took place on the Bishop’s Falls situation as it related to the district restructuring plan and any related changes.

Also discussion took place on the upcoming school board elections.


A meeting with the Minister of Education was also reviewed.  Some of the issues raised included:


1.       The need for HR and Financial operating funding to address support and service demands.  As a result we received $250,000.

2.       Sole charge schools – recommended a second, non-teaching unit be placed in these buildings.  No favourable response to date.

3.       Teacher allocation formula and exploration of changes.


5.         Correspondence


1.         Letters to/from the Minister of Education


·         July 26, 2005 letter requesting proposal for additional finances to increase district office personnel

·         July 29, 2005 letter re approval of the Constitution

·         August 1, 2005 letter permitting Nova Central School District to assume loans from former Baie Verte Connaigre and Lewisporte-Gander School Districts.

·         August 29, 2005 thank you letter and reference to school fees guidelines

·         September 6, 2005 letter re a request for the Special Incentives Program extending from 3 to 5 years.  The Minister indicated that this request will be reviewed at a later date when all districts have presented their proposals on restructuring plans.

·         September 9, 2005 letter re approval of By-Laws.


2.         Response letters from Mr. Randell Mercer to parents were presented.  Requests were made that children be permitted to transfer to a school which was different from the assigned schools.


3.         Letters to mayors of Robert’s Arm and Triton re status of restructuring plan at Green Bay South were presented.


4.         Correspondence from South Brook town management with concerns regarding bus safety was received.  A written response has been sent with an invitation to meet.  There is no follow-up reply to date.


5.         Copies of letters sent from Minister of Education to individuals/towns re district’s restructuring plans in various local areas were presented.  The Minister’s response to these individuals/towns stated support for the Board’s plan.


6.         New Business


6.1        Action Plan – 2005 Framework Document for Restructuring School Systems (April 7, 2005)


To make the following changes:


Grand Falls-Windsor School System & Bishop’s Falls School System


Page 5 Item 16. (vi)  EVH Maple (10-12) replace with “EVH Greenwood (9-10)”

Page 12 Year 1 (viii) EVH Maple replace with “EVH Greenwood”

Page 12 Year 2 (vi) EVH Greenwood replace with “EVH Maple”

Page 20 Year 3 (viii) EVH Maple replace with “EVH Greenwood”

Page 21 Year 2 (vi) EVH Greenwood replace with “EVH Maple”


Motion:            to make the  changes to the document noted above.  (T. Brown/C. Brown).  Carried.


6.2        PD Shut-Down


Discussion took place around the district PD shut-down days.  It was noted that approximately 1700 employees will receive 3 days of in-service.  This event will be held in Gander.


Active Living Project


Bill Sceviour, Chair, noted that 1000 of our students (3 of our K-6 schools participated) met in Gander for a demonstration event at the end Phase I of the project.  The activity was impressive.


6.3        PAON Property Use Agreement


A protocol agreement is required with the Pentecostal Assembly with regards to property use.  Shawn Brace shared an overview of the agreement.


Motion:            to accept PAON Property Use Agreement.  (Pritchett/T. Brown).  Carried.


6.4        New Trustee Orientation


Discussion took place regarding the timing of the Orientation session and the process to be involved.


Suggested topics for orientation session:

·         Restructuring/action plan

·         Code of Ethics

·         Regional/zonal representation

·         External groups (e.g. NLSBA)

·         School council and Trustees role

·         Communication

·         Overview of Constitution/By-Laws

·         Schools’ Act 1997


6.5        Report on School Board Election 2005


Shawn Brace gave an overview of the election proceedings.  Some areas had low voter turn-out and others were modest.  It was noted that some municipalities could have been more co-operative in their response to our request for sharing of common polling stations.





6.6        Renaming Carmanville School Complex


The Carmanville School Council has completed a process for naming of the school.  Students from Musgrave Harbour were also engaged in this process since they will be future students.  The name put forward for consideration is Phoenix Academy.


Motion:            to accept Phoenix Academy as the name of the newly restructured school at Carmanville.  (Pritchett/C. Brown).  Carried.


6.7        Closed Session


Motion:                        to move into closed session.  (Edison/Pritchett).  Carried.


Motion:            to move out of closed session.  (C. Brown/Pritchett).  Carried.


7.         Date of Next Meeting


To be determined.


8.         Adjournment


Motion:                        to adjourn the meeting at 10:45 PM (C. Brown).  Carried.




_________________________                                  _______________________

William Sceviour                                               Claudine Wells

Chair                                                                Recorder

